MMH Through the Years - Program Celebrates 40th Anniversary
2024-01-11 12:06:00 Curriculum Updates & Releases - News & Articles

The Michigan Model for Health Program is honored to celebrate our 40th year of classroom implementation and presenting positive health behavior skills to students.
From our humble beginnings in 1980 that included an initial vision to develop a statewide comprehensive health education program to four decades later offering proven evidence-based strategies and K-12 health content in over 38 states nationwide, the MMH Program has come far with continuing to lead the way in positive health outcomes for students, families, and communities.
We would like to thank our MMH teachers and school health coordinators, consultants and counselors for being a continued and integral part of our journey!
MMH Outreach by the Numbers
40 years expertise
Evidence-based PreK-12 health education experience
38+ states nationwide
Relied on and meets national health education standards
243,000+ teachers
Trusted by teachers to meet health education needs
8.4+ million students
Skills-based learning resulting in positive health outcomes
MMH Milestones
- Task force formed to develop a vision and a plan for statewide comprehensive school health curriculum
- State Steering Committee established
- Michigan Model for Comprehensive School Health Education (MM) K-12 health curriculum developed and published
- Michigan Model School Health Coordinators’ Association established
- Evaluation study conducted by the University of Michigan for MM Grade 7 Substance Abuse Lessons with results showing that MM helped reduce alcohol, tobacco and other drug use by students.
- MM received Top Twenty Prevention Programs Award as an Exemplary Program to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Problems from National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors and National Prevention Network
- 387 districts implemented MM
MMH receives award for Exemplary Program to Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Problems
- Michigan Senate and State Board Hearings held to support Michigan Model curriculum development and implementation
- Michigan Model curriculum offered for sale nationally
- Parent component for MM Grades 7-8 developed and published
- Special Education MM curriculum developed and published
- Preschool (Pre-K) Curriculum developed, piloted and published
- Elementary and High School HIV/AIDs curriculum developed and published
- Substance abuse prevention develop and published
- Other updates across K-12 developed and published
- First national MM training of trainers conducted
- TEAM (Teaching Educating and Mentoring) collaborative effort supports MM through Michigan State Police Community Liaison Officers
- Drug Strategies Rates MM as top Substance Abuse Prevention Program
- United States Department of Education Expert Panel approves MM as a Promising Program
- 93% of schools are implementing the MMH as reported from MDHHS/School Health Coordinators
- Sexuality Education/HIV legislation adopted in Michigan
- Secondary Character Education modules developed and published
- Secondary Sun Safety activities developed and published
- Service Learning booster curriculum published
- Grades K-5 curriculum revisions
- Grades 9-12 HIV, Other STIs and Pregnancy Prevention developed and published
- Middle School Tobacco and Nutrition and Physical Activity curriculum revised
- Emergency Preparedness Supplement Published
- Curriculum name changed to “Michigan Model for Health (MMH)”
- Grade 4 and Grade 5 evaluation study conducted and preliminary evaluation data reported
- CASEL recognizes MMH as an evidence-based health education program for meeting social emotional learning competencies
- Wayne State University study of grades 7-8 nutrition module published in Journal of School Health
Michigan Model for Health
Grades K-12 Health Education Curriculum
MMH Recognized as Evidence-based Program that Meets CASEL Competencies
- Journal of School Health featured publication (2011) "Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Substance Abuse and Violence in Elementary Students"
- Journal of School Health featured publication (2016) "Promoting Fitness and Safety in Elementary Students"
- Grades 9-12 Healthy and Responsible Relationships (HIV/STIs) curriculum published
- Grades 9-12 Skills for Health and Life updated and published
- Grades 7-8 Alcohol and Violence curriculum published
- Grades 7-8 (ENDS) Vaping and Hookah
- Early Childhood (Pre-K) curriculum published (2017)
- Emergency Preparedness (updated 2018)
- Dangers & Prevention of Prescription Drugs and Opioid Addiction Grades K-12 (2019)
- First MMH online training module offered to teachers
- MMH Program approved to convert the grades K-12 teacher printed binder curricula to an online digital format (2018-19). Program leadership and development teams established to plan, develop and implement a pilot and full release of a new MMH digital platform.
- Press Release: MMH Curriculum Is Now Online
- MMH Program Announces New Digital Curriculum
- MEMSPA Weekly Update article publication "The New and Improved MMH" (Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals Association)
- Interview on WLNS - "The MMH Utilizing the Youth Mental Health First Aid Program"
- Beta teacher program established to test the new MMH digital curriculum and the first teacher survey conducted to evaluate its ease of use (84-85% of teachers indicated the digital curriculum is more convenient for lesson planning and makes it easier to teach and implement health education in the classroom)
Michigan Model for Health
K-12 Digital Curriculum Release
- Marijuana and Tobacco including E-Cigarettes Grades K-12
- Personal Safety for Child Sexual Abuse Grades K-6
- Pre-/Post-Assessments Grades K-8
- HIV Curriculum Grades 4, 5 and 7-8
- HIV/STI and Sex Education Grades 9-12
- Social and Emotional Health, Nutrition & Physical Activity (elementary & high school)
- MMH Google student worksheets and pre/post assessments development and publication
- Digital lesson print feature implemented providing full-script, lesson outline and ADA compliant formats
- MMH streamed videos platform update
- Several elementary classroom materials reviewed and updated
- New MMH Portal launched
- New Digital License Manager Online Help Center launched
- Revised MMH training course published for educators nationwide
The Model for Healthy Kids
The Michigan Model for HealthTM is a nationally recognized, research-based comprehensive and sequential Pre-K through 12th grade health education curriculum. The MMH curriculum aims to give school-aged children and youth the knowledge and skills needed to practice and maintain healthy behaviors and lifestyles. It provides age-appropriate lessons addressing the most serious health challenges facing school children and youth.
Contact Us
- Michigan teachers and educators, contact your Regional School Health Coordinator at MiSHCA's website.
- Out-of-state teachers, educators, and curriculum coordinators, email the MMH support team at